If kindness is embraced into your life and given out as a way of overcoming adversity you will be pleasantly surprised at the wonderful effects it has on your spirit.
Kindness always wins for both the recipient and the giver. Adversity even though it may seem bad at the time - builds character. Its not what happens to you but the way you handle it. Its all about choices. I can either choose to fall prey to wallowing in self pity or I can choose to rise above it and learn and grow from the situation. I ask myself what is the lesson I am learning here today.
There is no such thing as a problem without a gift for you in it's hands. You seek problems because you need their gifts. Bach R.B (Illusions)
On my journey I have learned that in times of adversity the best way for me to deal with it is to show kindness to another. It distracts from the adversity, is positive and at the same time very healing.
In a curious way I am honoured and privileged to have been through what I have.
I could never have known in a million years what it is like for someone to go through as much pain and adversity as I have unless I actually went through it myself. I could never empathise with another's pain had I not been through it. I made a conscious decision not to allow it to get me down for any length of time. Instead I put on a face that smiled to the world even though I was crying inside. It really works. Its tough at the time but now smiling in public is almost second nature to me.
Doing kind deeds for another without any expectation of reciprocity brings a great sense of satisfaction.
The best index to a person's character is (a) how he treats people who can't do him any good, and (b) how he treats people who can't fight back. Abigail Van Buren
“No, you don't know what it's like
When nothing feels all right
You don't know what it's like
To be like me
To be hurt
To feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No, you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life”
― Simple Plan
Some people by their very nature can be incredibly cruel to others who have gone through their own private hell because they haven't ever experienced suffering themselves. They have never felt what its like to have gone through adversity so they judge those that have with great harshness. The following poem says it all:
Don't Judge me if you've never been to hell
Have you ever been to hell my friend and felt the pain I felt
Do you really feel the pain in my heart?
that ached so hard it hurt, do you really know the loss I feel
And loneliness and despair?
You will never know what its like to be me and walk in my shoes
You will never know exactly the despair I have experienced
Perhaps you will never know what its like to be kicked when you are already down
Kicked at, spat at, ground to the ground
But I am bigger than you and greater than you
Like the phoenix from the ashes I will arise again
In my magnificence and greatness
I will conquer my pain.....
On my journey I have learned that in times of adversity the best way for me to deal with it is to show kindness to another. It distracts from the adversity, is positive and at the same time very healing.
In a curious way I am honoured and privileged to have been through what I have.
I could never have known in a million years what it is like for someone to go through as much pain and adversity as I have unless I actually went through it myself. I could never empathise with another's pain had I not been through it. I made a conscious decision not to allow it to get me down for any length of time. Instead I put on a face that smiled to the world even though I was crying inside. It really works. Its tough at the time but now smiling in public is almost second nature to me.
Doing kind deeds for another without any expectation of reciprocity brings a great sense of satisfaction.
The best index to a person's character is (a) how he treats people who can't do him any good, and (b) how he treats people who can't fight back. Abigail Van Buren
“No, you don't know what it's like
When nothing feels all right
You don't know what it's like
To be like me
To be hurt
To feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No, you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life”
― Simple Plan
Some people by their very nature can be incredibly cruel to others who have gone through their own private hell because they haven't ever experienced suffering themselves. They have never felt what its like to have gone through adversity so they judge those that have with great harshness. The following poem says it all:
Don't Judge me if you've never been to hell
Have you ever been to hell my friend and felt the pain I felt
Do you really feel the pain in my heart?
that ached so hard it hurt, do you really know the loss I feel
And loneliness and despair?
You will never know what its like to be me and walk in my shoes
You will never know exactly the despair I have experienced
Perhaps you will never know what its like to be kicked when you are already down
Kicked at, spat at, ground to the ground
But I am bigger than you and greater than you
Like the phoenix from the ashes I will arise again
In my magnificence and greatness
I will conquer my pain.....
Liz Olsen 2013
Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”
― Martin Luther King Jr., A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches
ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ It is you who has to decide who stays in your life and who doesn’t. You will come across many people in your life. They will all have a purpose to fulfil. Some will teach you a lesson and some will leave your soul wounded. Some will love you for their selfish motives and some will love you unconditionally. Some will cheat on you, lie to you and stab you in your back. Learn from the lessons life teaches you and don’t waste your time on people who are there in your life for their convenience
"Should a sarcastic or unkind remark pop into your mind to tease, torment, or in any way "trash" another person, try swallowing it first to see how it tastes before you dish it out."Excerpt from Seeker's Guide to Self-Freedom, Pages 160-162
Gentleness means recognizing that the world around us is fragile, especially other people. It is recognizing our own capacity to do harm and choosing instead to be tender, soft-spoken, soft-hearted, and careful. When we are gentle we touch the world in ways that protect and preserve it.
Being gentle doesn't mean being weak; gentleness can be firm, even powerful. To behave in a gentle manner requires that we stay centred in our own values and strength -- that we are active rather than reactive. Coming from this centre, a gentle word or touch can channel our energy into healing or making peace.
Head Monk Of The Gelugpa Lineage Of Tibetan Buddhism
No single act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted.
Being gentle doesn't mean being weak; gentleness can be firm, even powerful. To behave in a gentle manner requires that we stay centred in our own values and strength -- that we are active rather than reactive. Coming from this centre, a gentle word or touch can channel our energy into healing or making peace.
When we feel love and kindness toward others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace.
The 14th Dalai Lama (1935)Head Monk Of The Gelugpa Lineage Of Tibetan Buddhism
No single act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted.

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