I have been interested in cheese making for several months now. After researching and watching You tube demo's I figured it would be pretty easy. What I have discovered is that it can be super easy or as complicated as you want, depending on how sophisticated you wish to be with your cheese making. I learned that there are cheese making kits with all the paraphernalia to make all sorts of cheeses or one can use the most basic ingredients found in most kitchens. As I didn't have all the specialised paraphernalia, I opted for a basic do-it yourself and I was extremely pleased with the results.
My first attempt at Cheese making.
So here's how I made it: I took a 3 litres of blue top milk. I put it on the heat and stirred it gently to stop it from forming a skin or sticking to the bottom. When I saw small bubbles beginning to form around the sides and steam beginning to rise, I put the juice of 1 1/2 lemons into the milk with a little white vinegar, and a squirt of Renco. Actually I don't think all three ingredients were needed but I put them all in to cover all my bases. The milk becomes quite lumpy then I tipped the contents of the saucepan onto cheesecloth draped over a colander sat over a bowl. Once all the liquid has drained off set the curds into a bowl and add quite a lot of salt more than you think you would need. I think I would almost add 3-4 tsps. next time as I added a big tsp but I don't think it was enough. When the salt has been mixed in well, pack all the salted curds into a bowl and refrigerate for a while, then turn onto a plate. I was thrilled with the results. Wonderful on fresh crusty bread or crackers.